개발 일지

2020.12.05(Sat) TIL

westone034626 2020. 12. 6. 03:16

Today I learn:


1. Did kokoa clone challenge of nomadcoder

  1. Handled flex of css.

2. Did vanilla JS challenge of nomadcoder

  1. saw past assignment's solution for refactoring my code.
  2. Submit final mission (Making a TodoList)
    1. link: westone034626.github.io/momentum-clone/

3. Watched ReactJS course of nomadcoder to prepare ReactJS challege of nomadcoder

4. Deployed some repository using gh-pages

  1. westone034626.github.io/momentum-clone/d
  2. westone034626.github.io/kokoa-clone-2020/


1: momentum chrome app clone result (todo list) <= optimized for desktop enviromment

2: Kokoa clone result <= optimized for mobile enviromment


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